Women's Wellbeing After Menopause: Triumphing Over Genitourinary Syndrome with Zantogin® Gel

To address Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), PharmExtracta developed Zantogin® vaginal gel, a patented medical device containing highly purified plant extracts and hyaluronic acid to provide healing, re-epithelizing, and moisturizing effects.

A recent study conducted at Sapienza University of Rome demonstrates the positive impact of Zantogin® Gel on post-menopausal women suffering from GSM. Study results show not only a significant improvement in GSM symptoms but also a remarkable decrease in dyspareunia and improvements in the Vaginal Health Index, Female Sexual Distress Scale, and Regular Sexual Activity.

GSM: a Tough Challenge for Post-Menopausal Women

Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), previously known as atrophic vaginitis or vulvovaginal atrophy, has long been a challenge for women in their post-menopausal years. Characterized by vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, burning sensations, itching, and dysuria, GSM significantly impacts the quality of life and intimate relationships of affected individuals.

Several effective treatments exist, for instance systemic estrogen therapy or even low-dose vaginal estrogen therapy. Unfortunately, these treatments, are not universally suitable. This is because systemic hormone therapy may pose a risk of venous thrombosis, and most importantly, both treatments are contraindicated in individuals with a history of breast and endometrial neoplasms due to their potential influence on the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors.

In the pursuit of an effective yet safe solution for all post-menopausal women, PharmExtracta developed Zantogin® Gel, a groundbreaking medical device based on highly purified and standardized plant extracts that represents a versatile approach to the health and comfort of all post-menopausal women.

The Science Behind Zantogin® Gel

Zantogin® Gel is not a common vaginal moisturizer; it is a patent-covered formulation leveraging the power of 5 selected ingredients to provide a healing, re-epithelizing and moisturizing effect.

Let’s sum up each ingredient with its peculiarity:

  1. Centella Phytosome®: comprising asiaticoside, asiatic acid, and madecassic acid, this ingredient enhances collagen stability, promoting tissue healing and improving connective tissue resilience.
  2. Zanthalene®: derived from the fruit husks of Zanthoxylum bungeanum also known as Sichuan pepper, this special extract contains hydroxy sanshools (hydroxy-alpha-, hydroxy-beta- and hydroxy-gamma-sanshool), engaging in a desensitizing mechanism (chemesthesis) that reduces perception and discomfort.
  3. Hyaluronic Acid: renowned for reinforcing connective tissues, providing elasticity, and enhancing resistance to friction.
  4. Xilogel®: a polysaccharide reinforcing the gel’s hyaluronic acid activity, Xilogel® is known for its application in vectorizing drugs, providing an effective means for delivering active ingredients to mucosal surfaces.
  5. Polycarbophil®: ensuring a sustained and mucoadhesive effect, Polycarbophil® enhances the overall viscosity of the gel, optimizing its healing benefits.

This powerful combination results in a clinical success validated by a recent study.

The Sapienza Study: Unveiling Zantogin® Gel's Impact

Recently published in Minerva Obstetrics & Gynaecology, , a groundbreaking single-center prospective observational study conducted at Sapienza University of Rome reveals the transformative potential of Zantogin® Gel.

The study, involving a cohort of post-menopausal women aged around 60 years who have been experiencing menopause for 5-7 years, lacked a control group, but the positive outcomes observed over the 150-day period were undeniably significant.

Notably, all the following parameters associated with GSM symptoms exhibited a promising improvement:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Dyspareunia (persistent or recurrent pain experienced by individuals during sexual intercourse)
  • Burning sensation perception
  • Itching

However, the actual revelation of the study was the reduction in pain during sexual activity evaluated employing well-established markers of vaginal well-being, with some clinically significant outcomes:

  • Vaginal Health Index (VHI) improvement of about 5% after 57 days and 8% after 150 days.
  • Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS) improvement of about 7% after 57 days and 10% after 150 days.
  • Regular Sexual Activity (RSA) increase of about 20% after 150 days.

In conclusion, Zantogin® Gel emerges as a beacon of hope for post-menopausal women grappling with GSM. With its unique and patented formulation, the medical device provides a safe, effective, and well-tolerated solution. The Sapienza study underscores its potential to improve vaginal health, reduce distress during sexual activity, and reignite regular sexual engagement. Zantogin® Gel not only addresses the symptoms of GSM but aims to redefine the standard of care for women seeking comfort and confidence in their life after menopause.
