Can Winterized Lentisk Oil disrupt bacterial biofilms to help eradicating AOM and other infections?
Introducing Bactorinol® nasal drops containing Winterized Lentisk Oil with antibacterial activity, able to disrupt bacterial biofilms to eradicate biofilm-related infections of the upper respiratory tract.
To be used alone or as add-on therapy to antibiotic therapies.
Bacterial infections and biofilm formation
Acute otitis media (AOM) are primarily infections of childhood and represents the most common causes of paediatric outpatient visits and antibiotic prescriptions in Western countries. Despite being commonly triggered by viral infections, these diseases are very often associated with bacterial infections that are caused by pathogenic species such as: Streptococcus pyogenes, Haemophilus influenzae, S. pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis.
In recent years, persistent bacterial infections have risen dramatically. This is also because bacteria are evolving the ability of forming biofilms. But… What are, exactly, bacterial biofilms? Basically, they are polysaccharide structures that surround bacteria and protect them from the action of antibiotics.
Biofilm formation is a new-emerging concern that is part of the worldwide and ever-growing issue of antibiotic resistance. To find anti-biofilm molecules that can effectively minimize and eradicate biofilm-related infections has therefore become a new research priority.
Winterized Lentisk Oil: a new promising ingredient to combat bacterial biofilms
A new interesting ingredient showing the ability of breaking down bacterial biofilms has been investigated in the Italian study “Antibacterial activity of a fractionated Pistacia lentiscus oil against pharyngeal and ear pathogens, alone or in combination with antibiotics”, in which researchers tested the antibacterial activity of lentisk oil obtained from berries of Pistacia lentiscus, a typical shrub of the Mediterranean basin.
Lentisk oil was commonly used to dress food instead of the much more expensive olive oil, but has also been used in the traditional Sardinian medicine for millennia.
Its antibacterial activity is due to the presence of anacardic acids which can be concentrated through a refining procedure called winterization. This is the reason why the new ingredient is called Winterized Lentisk Oil (WLO).
Study researchers evaluated the bactericidal capabilities of WLO and its synergy with amoxicillin or amoxicillin-clavulanic acid in killing different bacteria, including both commensal species (S. salivarius K12 and M18) and pathogenic ones (S. pyogenes, M. catarrhalis, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae).
According to study results, the use of WLO contributes to clear all the pathogenic bacteria analysed, so much so that administered alongside antibiotics it allowed them to kill pathogens with a 50% lower antibiotic dose.
Furthermore, the eubiotic strains Streptococcus salivarius K12 and M18 were found to be insensitive to the action of lentisk oil. This phenomenon guarantees, on the one hand, the synergy with the main antibiotic therapies for the pathogens of the upper airways and, on the other hand, a eubiotic effect of the oral cavity, because the eubiotic strains can thrive and proliferate in an environment that has been cleared of pathogens.
But the greatest advantage is given by its activity in breaking down the structure of biofilms produced by the pathogens, thus allowing the entry of the antibiotic that can deliver its anti-bacterial action.
Bactorinol® nasal drops: the new BIOFILM-DISRUPTOR to counter persistent bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract
Starting from the observation of these amazing evidence on WLO, PharmExtracta introduced Bactorinol® nasal drops, a medical device containing this revolutionary ingredient.
Bactorinol® consists of oily nasal drops that allow the direct instillation into nostrils but can also be nebulized through the most known devices for micronized nasal douching, usually used for saline nasal irrigation, accepted and tolerated in the majority of children.
Bactorinol® nasal drops, being a biofilm-disruptor, truly represents a possible solution to avoid recurrences of AOM. rhinosinusitis and adenoiditis caused by the growing antibiotic resistance also caused by biofilm-producing bacteria.
Moreover, the oily formulation of Bactorinol® nasal drops also allows the product to adhere and persist in the nostrils, so as to soften nasal mucosa, have a prolonged bactericidal action and act as a decongestant, also favouring the elimination of excess mucus.