MonoSelect® Agnus or: how women can prevent PMS from controlling their lives

MonoSelect® Agnus or: how women can prevent PMS from controlling their lives

Chasteberry extract has been studied for its activity against mild to moderate symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome. 

MonoSelects® Agnus is exquisitely formulated to fully exploit the potential of Chasteberry extract against PMS. It contains a high-quality extract and comes in fast-release tablets for a rapid absorption.

Premenstrual syndrome and its symptoms

Epidemiological data show that 75-80% of women in reproductive age suffer from some symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome or PMS. But what, exactly, is PMS? 

PMS refers to a collection of physical and emotional symptoms that many women may experience in the days before their period starts. Manifestations may include irritability, aggression, tension, anxiety, and depression, and somatic changes such as fluid retention, breast tenderness, headache, feeling of bloating, and weight increase.

The causes of the PMS have not been clearly elucidated; however, two crucial symptoms are thought to be related to hormone levels:

  • breast tenderness and pain, also called mastalgia, which has been attributed to increased prolactin levels.
  • menstrual disorders such as irregular or skipped periods are in turn traced to a progesterone deficiency.

The good news is women don’t have to tolerate these symptoms since they can counteract them by taking a natural yet effective and side-effect free supplement containing a selected extract from Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus), also known as monk’s pepper.

Over the past 50 years, chasteberry has been widely used in Europe for gynecological conditions such as PMS, cyclical breast discomfort, menstrual cycle irregularities, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. But chasteberry extracts are not all the same as well as products containing chasteberry extracts are not all the same.

MonoSelect® Agnus: simply designed to work against PMS symptoms

MonoSelect® Agnus is a great candidate to alleviate PMS suffering since it improves all PMS symptoms with a specific action on mastalgia, by reducing prolactin levels, and menstrual disorders, by increasing progesterone levels.

It is based only on chasteberry extract but it’s perfectly formulated to make the most of its potential thanks to the following features.

STANDARDIZATION of the EXTRACT: Each tablet contains 40 mg of high-quality extract from Vitex agnus castus berries standardized to contain 0.5% of key compound agnuside.

OPTIMAL DOSAGE: the 40 mg/tablet of chasteberry extract with guaranteed 0.5% agnuside exhibits the best dose/efficacy ratio as shown in clinical trials.

SPEED of ACTION: The tablets of MonoSelect® Agnus have been engineered with a FAST-RELEASE technology which, in 5 minutes, ensures the total dissolution of the tablet and the rapid absorption of the extract.

SAFETY and SIMPLICITY of USE: MonoSelect® Agnus is a non-hormonal solution, it is gluten free and lactose free. Moreover, it shows excellent tolerability and compliance, with a supplementation scheme of only 1 tablet per day for 90 continuous days and afterwards only for the 7 days before period. Moreover, it has NO side effects.

CLINICALLY PROVEN EFFICACY: The effectiveness of MonoSelect® Agnus is validated by the clinical study Fast dissolving Agnus castus fruit extract for the premenstrual syndrome: A controlled clinical trial, in which it has shown an important reduction of PMS symptoms, treating patients for 90 continuous days and afterwards only for the 7 days before period.

The study on MonoSelect® Agnus was also included in the international systematic review Vitex agnus-castus Extracts for Female Reproductive Disorders: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials whose objective was to evaluate the evidence for the efficacy and safety of Vitex extracts from randomized, controlled trials investigating womenʼs health. The review included just 12 trials with a proven Methodological quality that assessed according to the Cochrane risk of bias and Jadad scales.

MonoSelect Agnus tablets